Sunday, July 20, 2014

How Crazy is That?

Here is my challenge: Create every day for 30 days, starting today!

Funny, eh? I have been wondering lately what it would take for me to finish some of my paintings, to create a cd, to shoot videos, to invigorate my blog, short: to create more. Now, I constantly create! Each and every day, more and more. Classes, articles, my website, applying for art events and art competitions, marketing here and marketing there! I would love to create the space for me to also paint! Paint more! What would it take? And how could I invite others with me? So, there was my question! And the universe brought an invitation to me. I was invited to join a group of potent creators from all over the world to a 30 day art challenge! Thank you to Blossom Benedict ( and Meredith Locher!

I wonder what contribution we will be to each other? So, I will post my creations, whatever it is, whatever inspires me, here on this blog! I wonder what will be next?

How will I create everything that I would love to create? What if I had too much fun with all of it? And what amazing platform will this be for the future?

My gift of 'being a butterfly' might come in handy! Instead of painting all day, which I usually do, what if I could be the butterfly that never stays for a very long time in one flower? What if I could just flutter about my day, being here and there, painting here and there, and doing all this other fun stuff that I'm doing and being, also? How much more magic can I be?

What would it take for me to create beyond this reality with total ease? And what would this create for the Earth? In 50 years? In 100 years?

If you think now that I'm totally crazy, that's ok with me! Welcome to my world!

I am so curious about what this will inspire and transpire? Not only for me, for everybody, for each molecule? For the planet?

What if I could create from a space that I have never accessed before? What else is possible with art and creation?


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